Introducing Apache TomEE cloud hosting

We’ve spent some time checking out Apache TomEE recently as we’ve added it to our Jelastic Cloud hosting platform. Although not as popular as other servers in the Java Enterprise Edition world, TomEE – pronounced “Tommy” – does a great job at delivering a fully operational, Java EE 6 Web Profile stack. It was founded by David Blevins, starting as part of the Apache OpenEJB project, and received the Java EE 6 Web Profile Compatible certification in Oct 2011.

Before TomEE everyone using Tomcat had to start with a bare Tomcat installation and add the enterprise components they need. Basically, this meant that everyone had to build their own custom enterprise stack on top of Tomcat which was time consuming and tedious. TomEE fills this gap by providing a reliable, certified platform that provides the enterprise components you need out-of-the-box.

TomEE is designed to be light, simple and powerful; it doesn’t try to create a complicated architecture or restrict you to a certain style of developing apps! Any application which runs on Tomcat will also work on TomEE!

Without wasting any valuable resources (adding to your hosting costs unnecessarily!) you get a full blown Java EE 6 Web Profile stack – this includes the full Java EE 6 Web Profile TCK stack without increasing the Java memory needed.

What components does TomEE include?

  • CDI – Apache OpenWebBeans
  • EJB – Apache OpenEJB
  • JPA – Apache OpenJPA
  • JSF – Apache MyFaces
  • JSP – Apache Tomcat
  • JSTL – Apache Tomcat
  • JTA – Apache Geronimo Transaction
  • Servlet – Apache Tomcat
  • Javamail – Apache Geronimo Javamail
  • Bean validation – Apache BVal

TomEE hosting in the cloud

Still not convinced yet? Take TomEE for a spin for a 14 day FREE trial with our UK hosted Jelastic PaaS and see for yourself. Our easy to use, flexible, yet powerful platform, combined with the full Java EE 6 Web Profile TomEE provides will allow you to create an easy to use, reliable and scalable environment in which you can deploy your application in minutes.