High-level app development with CUBA.platform on Jelastic PaaS

We’re living in a fast-paced world where everything needs to be quick, easy and cost effective in order to be competitive. With the help of frameworks, modern development has become a lot simpler, even for complex applications.cuba logo

CUBA.Platform is a high level open source Java web framework most suitable for developing enterprise applications with rich web interfaces, complex data models, enhanced security requirements and support for a multitude of business processes.

Being a high level framework, it abstracts developers from underlying technologies — such as Vaadin, Spring or EclipseLink — so they can focus on the business tasks, empowered by a rich set of features and development tools, and without restrictions to low level code.

All you need to develop apps in CUBA is Java SE, XML and JPQL. In addition to a more uniform and easy to maintain code, it also reduces requirements to your dev team as you don’t need any Java EE gurus.

A rich set of features covers most typical project requirements out of the box, including:

  • User management and administration tools
  • Interactive charts and Google Maps integration
  • Generic data filter
  • Report management and data access control
  • Business process management with an integrated visual designer
  • Multilanguage interface and multiple timezones support
  • Full text search
  • Generic REST API
  • Popular DBMS support out-of-the-box
  • File storage
  • Easy deployment to the cloud

CUBA Studio

Even though you can create your business logic in the IDE of your choice like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, CUBA also features Studio — a supplementary visual tool which automates the whole range of CUBA-specific tasks:

  • sets up project infrastructure
  • enables visual design of UI and data model
  • scaffolds CRUD screens with multiple layout options
  • keeps DB up-to-date by automatically generating and running update scripts
  • generates stubs for handlers, services, etc.

Studio automatically hot deploys all your code except for the data model eliminating a lot of routine work and boilerplate code without restricting the tools you use to write code.

The core framework is open source, licensed under Apache 2.0 with its source code available on GitHub, and CUBA Studio is available in free and commercial editions.

In partnership with Jelastic, CUBA.Platform offers the easiest way to deploy your apps to the cloud in just a few steps using the documentation available here. You will be setup with an extended free trial Jelastic account that will allow you to test how it all works.

jelastic dashboard

Powered by Layershift Jelastic

Jelastic is a multi-cloud PaaS orchestration tool that makes it easy to quickly build and scale complex application architectures, thus making it perfect for the CUBA platform apps.

Being a unique and versatile platform, Layershift Jelastic has the capability of charging according to actual resource usage, not server instance size. It is also an auto scalable platform with a pay as you go billing model, so you can rest assured that your projects won’t be affected by resource shortage, nor will you end up with a large bill at the end of the day.

Our 24×7 support team are ready to help you with any install issues, and of course the rest of our fully managed features such as pro-active monitoring, security and server management, inclusive backups or robust SLAs, apply to all environments that you launch on our Jelastic platform.

Get started

If you’re ready to put this incredible duo to the test, go ahead and download Studio and then configure your trial account directly from its interface really easily, as the two platforms are fully integrated.

Alternatively, click below and enter your email address to create your extended Layershift Jelastic trial account.

You will be emailed with more details and you will be able to create and configure environments with your preferred technologies.

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