Data center build

Following on from my previous post showcasing an awesome LEGO datacenter creation, I thought you might like to see a more realistic (but yet far less detailed) version by Digital Realty – these people build real datacenter facilities all around the world.

This is one of those clever time-lapse videos where you get to see the whole thing being built “from the ground up”. You can see the raised floor going in which allows for neat cable management and (depending on the facility design) underfloor cooling systems.

A nice touch in this video is the little LEGO builder going around the site during construction (though it’s a lot for just one guy to build an entire datacenter!).

Jelastic Java Cloud Hosting – UK beta launch

We are pleased to announce the free beta launch of our UK-hosted Jelastic Cloud Hosting platform.

As the exclusive hosting partner of Jelastic in the United Kingdom this is a very exciting time for us and our customers as we bring this innovative platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to our renowned hosting infrastructure and local network and datacentre for the UK and Irish markets, supported by our highly acclaimed 24×7 technical support team.

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Plesk Mobile Server Monitor & Manager

Did you know that our Cloud VPS, Cloud VPS Extreme and Linux Dedicated servers all include Plesk Mobile Server Monitor for FREE? This cool new feature allows you to view the health of your Plesk server any time from your iPhone, Android or BlackBerry.

We also offer Plesk Mobile Server Manager as part of our Power Pack upgrade for just £5/month (UK hosting) or US$7.50/month (US/Singapore hosting) – simply contact our sales team to upgrade now!

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Plesk 11 Launch promotion: one month free Cloud Hosting

To celebrate the launch of Parallels Plesk Panel 11 yesterday we are pleased to announce a special offer across our range of Cloud VPS and Cloud VPS Extreme products! Until July 31st 2012 we are offering two months half price on all plans with 1GB RAM or more.

“As one of the global leaders in Cloud VPS Hosting, we’re excited that Layershift is an official launch partner for Parallels Plesk Panel 11,” said John Zanni, Vice President of Service Provider Alliances and Marketing, Parallels.  “The enhancements in Plesk Panel 11, including improved server and site performance and the new Web Presence Builder, match perfectly to Layershift’s focus on growing e-commerce sites, creative agencies and site owners that seek support for the latest web technologies.”

All our Managed Cloud Hosting services now come as standard with:

  • Parallels Plesk Panel 11, with optional Web Presence Builder 11
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New Parallels Plesk Panel 11. The most widely used hosting control panel solution

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I invite you to find out more about how Layershift with Plesk 11 compares to other providers and view Layershift reviews and customer testimonials at our website where you can chat with one of our friendly sales engineers.

This offer does not apply to migrations from existing VPS’s within our range, but does apply to extra subscriptions for existing customers.

A data center tour…

Sometimes you wonder if people have too much time on their hands… this isn’t one of those times though! Take a look at the immense level of detail on this cool LEGO data center:

Overall it’s an amazing effort by its creator – not us unfortunately (we’re too busy keeping your servers running smoothly) – but we’re pleased have the pleasure of sharing his excellent work with you!

We noticed they even took the precaution of installing a backup generator, although it’s not clear what level of redundancy they have in their power and cooling infrastructure?

The good news (for anyone looking to host their server in this facility at least) is that it seems the creator is already working on upgrading his facility – one serious point of concern is the lack of physical security within the facility. With the incredible attention to detail it seems strange that this was missed so far, but maybe it was always the plan to add this in later (it sounds like there are big plans for sensors and all kinds of fun – though I don’t think LEGO figures have biometrics, so maybe biometric scanners are off the menu?

Be assured that in Layershift facilities you can’t just walk around from room to room unchallenged like you can in this LEGO facility: for example plant equipment is tightly secured behind multiple access verification layers, and likewise to get access onto the data center floor itself (even for Layershift engineers conducting their day-to-day work) there’s the rigors of human security guard verification (remotely secured), proximity security tag scanner, and biometric identity verification … oh yeah, and we have a roof! 🙂

Have you ever devoted hours of your life to a cool LEGO creation like this? Tell us about it in the comments.

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