Startup Hacks – are you ready?

Layershift and Startup Hacks have teamed up to provide all participants with special free access to all features of our Jelastic cloud hosting platform throughout the event.

Manchester and the north west of England will always have a special place in our hearts and that’s why we’re eager to help the members of our local community. We’re really excited about this weekend – Startup Hacks’ 48 hour hackathon – a coding competition right in the heart of Manchester that gives us the perfect opportunity to support local business.

Startup Hacks Manchester

The 48 hour hackathon challenges developers, designers, and business minded entrepreneurs to create a business in just one weekend – this weekend!

Given that time is such a critical factor in a fast-paced hackathon event like this, the ability for participants to save vital time on server configuration and code deployment by using our Jelastic platform is a huge benefit.

If you’re attending the event, watch out for Damien and Jake from our Manchester office who will be ready to help you accelerate your project.

A special thanks to Startup Hacks for organising this event and for allowing us to be an important part of this weekend! The organisers (Manchester Entrepreneurs and Aspyre Media) invest a huge amount of time, money, and effort into helping our region’s young entrepreneurs get off the ground.

With the help of the Startup Hacks mentoring team, the entrants are certain to deliver something really special this weekend, and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us!

For more details about the event you can visit

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