Transfer the environment not just the project
At Layershift we’re always looking for new ways to help you to be more efficient and productive. After all, Jelastic is the PaaS for people aiming for success; you don’t get to be successful by wasting your time repeating your work or grappling with awkward configurations!
We received lots of great feedback (thanks!) following the recent overhaul of our environment collaboration feature – allowing you to get the whole team working within 1 Jelastic account, and sharing individual environments with appropriate team members.
You told us loud and clear that it’s immensely helpful to have this convenient way to temporarily share an environment with a freelancer or agency. But, you said, what about when the freelancer starts the project off on the Jelastic platform and wants to hand ownership over to his client at the end? There should be a good way to handle that situation…
Well yes, we completely agree. Here it is!
Don’t repeat yourself – provisioning edition
When handing over a completed project to your client, you often have extra hassles to get everything (re)deployed onto their hosting environment. Since you already did that work before, getting everything working nicely in your own environment, it seems rather pointless to need to redo it – extra work for you, and increased risk that something might go wrong or get forgotten about along the way (configuration discrepancies, version mismatches and so on).
With our Jelastic PaaS you can completely avoid this duplication of effort and give your customer the exact hosting environment they used to sign off the project! This helps the whole process run much more smoothly, ensuring that your client gets their project up and running as quickly as possible without any bumps in the road, and allowing you to move on to your next project with fewer distractions. A winning formula all around.
Collaborate with your customer
This perfectly compliments our collaboration feature; once the environment is sitting in its new home, the client can effortlessly share it back with their agency or freelancer for any ongoing project maintenance or development needs (whilst they remain responsible for its ongoing hosting costs). In fact, at a later stage they could even create a clone of the environment and transfer that clone onto their agency’s Jelastic account for use in a new development phase.
For your entire project lifecycle
We think it’s a great end-to-end solution for the entire project lifecycle, delivering countless benefits to agencies and their customers alike. But don’t just take our word for it; we gave one of our multi-award winning agency users a sneak peak:
“I’m really excited by the continued improvement to Layershift’s Jelastic platform,” says Patrick MacNamara, Digital Strategist at CheethamBellJWT. He continues: “The ability to create quick, secure, safe environments for our clients is essential. Being able to transfer ownership of that environment directly to our client greatly simplifies the handover process which is a huge benefit for all concerned.”
Give it a try
[Tweet “Don’t repeat yourself – server provisioning for client projects”]Our Jelastic Environment Transfer KB guide has full details on how it works and how to start using it with your projects today. We’re absolutely certain it will make things much easier for you and your team!
As always our 24×7 support team are here to assist you. We very much welcome and appreciate your feedback – let us know what you think via support, Twitter, or Google +.
Don’t worry if you’ve been stuck under a rock and missed the boat on all of this Jelastic PaaS goodness. It’s never too late to accelerate your development cycle and start hosting on our Jelastic PaaS.
Start your free trial to see what you’ve missed.